Saturday, 16 April 2016


Cytokinesis - The physical partitioning of a plant or animal cell into two daughter cells during cell reproduction. 
                        - Each daughter cell has nucleus, cytoplasm and other components through cytokinesis.

Animal cell 
- Centrioles are found at each pole of animal cells during mitosis.
- Formation of cleavage furrow occurs at the equatorial plate or midway of the cell.
- Two identical cells are formed.
Plant cell
- Vesicles collect at the equator between the two nuclei.
- The vesicles join to form a cell plate.
- The cell plate grows outwards until its edges fuse with the plasma membrane of the parent cell, dividing the cytoplasm into two daughter cells.
- At the end, cellulose fibres are produced by the cells to straighten the new walls.
- Two daughter cells are formed. Each one is diploid (2n).

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